25-27 July 2023 | Fremantle, Perth, Western Australia



Download the abstract volume here  


The 6ias Organising Committee invite you to submit an abstract for possible inclusion in the 2023 6th International Archean Symposium (6ias) being held from the 25 to 27 July 2023 and Target 2023 on 28 July 2023. We welcome submissions covering the latest advances in Precambrian geology associated with the symposium themes listed below: 

1.    Early Earth evolution: perspectives from the oldest minerals and rocks

2.   Emergence of atmosphere and life on early Earth and other terrestrial planets

3.   Early Earth geodynamics

4.   The role of Archean lithosphere in the evolution of younger terranes

5.   Cratons and craton margins: structure, composition and tectonic  history

6.   Defining the Archean to Proterozoic transition

7.   Mineral systems of Archean terranes and their margins

Click here for 6ias theme descriptions

8.   Target 2023 – click here for Target 2023 information



Submissions must be an abstract of maximum 500 words. The abstracts will be reviewed by the organising committee for applicability to the symposium themes and sessions.  

Submit your abstract

Abstract submissions are CLOSED.


When submitting an abstract, please download and use the 6ias abstract template.

A one-page abstract can be:

  • text only – 500 words maximum including reference(s) (if used)
  • text and a figure – up to 300 words plus figure

You may embed the figure in the Word doc to ensure the whole abstract fits within one A4 page. Please also supply your figure separately as a high-resolution (minimum 300 dpi) JPEG file or similar.

The uploaded file should have the following format for the file name: Themenumber_6ias_abstract_lastname [e.g. T2_6ias_abstract_Smith]


During the submission process you will be asked to indicate your preference for the theme in which your abstract should appear. You will also be asked your preference for consideration for an Oral or Poster presentation. Submissions for Target 2023 are for Poster presentations only.

Notice of abstract acceptance will be sent out in early April/



  • Abstract(s) must not exceed 500 words and follow the guidelines in the 6ias abstract template
  • All presenting authors must be registered to attend the symposium to be included in the program